Buka jam 10.00 s/d jam 17.00, Minggu & Hari Besar Tutup

Rack And Table

Rack And Table

Symposium ULTRA

The Ultra retains the following features of Symposium's exclusive energy absorption design:

 Density-ordered constrained-layer construction
 Linear energy dissipation with low reflection to the component
 Solid platform with no "bounce" for superior bass performance
 No leveling problems
 No leakage problems
 No practical weight limit
 No tuning or adjustment required- works with all components
 Performance independent of its support surface
 Ideal interface for Rollerblocks, cones, and all footer devices.
 Resonance-free isolation of upper 9 octaves of the audible range
 No interaction problems with tuned suspensions of turntables
 Ideal for use on top of low frequency isolation devices
 Not for isolation of extremely low frequency footfall problems - see the 
Segue ISO Platform page for low frequency vertical wave isolation solutions.

Rack And Table, Symposium

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